Script Box



Tribes 2


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[T2] Gameplay

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[T2] Inventory

[T2] Misc

[T2] Packs

[T2] Snipe

[T2] Skins

[T2] Utilities

[T2] Weapons





[T1] Comms

[T1] Gameplay

[T1] Got2Have!

[T1] Inventory

[T1] Misc

[T1] Packs

[T1] Search

[T1] Snipe

[T1] Skins

[T1] Utilities

[T1] Weapons






(Web Master)

Kirby (>'-')>








Rating Scale









 Could Try it...


 Not Worth the DL.





ScriptBox - (T2 Snipe)



Hides the laser rifle whenever its mounted because its so damned big. - DEbig3

ptavvZoom 2.0 
Essentially it has three functions. 
1) An actual zoom toggle. Press the button zoom in, press it again to zoom out. 
2) User definable zoom levels. Install the script, look at the top of the file, modify as you like. 
3) Two zoom level (plus, minus) buttons. Press one to move the zoom level up, press another to move the zoom level down. - Ptavv

Reverse Sniper v2.0
Reverse Sniper makes your sniper rifle in Tribes work much more like the TeamFortress rifle - you press the mouse button to "get ready" to fire it, and release to actually unload the shot. -

Requires Writer's support pack. Download it here.

Scroll Zoom
Binds your mouse wheel to Zoom levels. Options for Normal or Reverse scrolling. - DarkOmen

Requires Writer's support pack. Download it here.

WegZoom 1.1 
WegZoom provides mouse wheel zooming functionality for Tribes 2, as well as a number of other useful zooming related features. 
Basically, press the zoom key and then you can roll the wheel 
forward and it zooms in; roll it backward and it zooms out. Simple.. - WegBert 

WegZoom HUD v1.1 
WegZoomHud provides a little HUD in the lower right hand corner 
of your screen that shows the central portion of your screen 
(where your reticle is pointing) zoomed in by an arbitrary amount. 
If you were a Tribes 1 player, WegZoomHud is similar to Zear's. - WegBert 

ZoomControl v1.1
ZoomControl is a completely reworked zoom system, it has a large options screen giving you full control. You can turn off the normal zoomHud, make the zoom key act as a toggle instead of keypress. There's an option to turn off roll over which stops the zoom wrapping around when it reaches the max. There's a zoom out key as well as the normal zoom in key and you can also use the scroll wheel to change zoom. You can define each zoom level precisely and set a level to be changed to whenever you use a certain weapon. You can change the player FOV on the fly which is normally fixed at 90, I'd recommend 107. 


Update: Big update to ZoomControl. Fixed zoom to work in vehicles, player FOV is fixed to work after player death. Added option to configure mouse sensitivity for each zoom level. Added Targeting Laser to the default zoom list, also added an optional sniper mode where laser rifle is fired on release of fire button instead of normal press, other weapons are unaffected.- Crunchy 

Zoomsnipe 1.1 (8/3/01)
This script, upon zooming in, switches to your sniper rifle. When you Zoom out, the script puts back what weapon had previously. - DarkOmen


Requires Writer's support pack. Download it here.