Script Box



Tribes 2


[T2] Comms

[T2] Gameplay

[T2] Got2Have!

[T2] Inventory

[T2] Misc

[T2] Packs

[T2] Snipe

[T2] Skins

[T2] Utilities

[T2] Weapons





[T1] Comms

[T1] Gameplay

[T1] Got2Have!

[T1] Inventory

[T1] Misc

[T1] Packs

[T1] Search

[T1] Snipe

[T1] Skins

[T1] Utilities

[T1] Weapons






(Web Master)

Kirby (>'-')>








Rating Scale









 Could Try it...


 Not Worth the DL.





ScriptBox - (T2 Misc)



Absynthe's MP3Player 1.0.1 (Screenshots: 1, 2, 3, 4)
This script lets you play MP3's from within Tribes 2. Includes a playlist editor for generation playlists prior to game start. Tracks are listed in the message . An in-game menu allows you to switch between tracks, playlists, adjust options, and should you be using Absynthe's Message Filter even a tab to adjust its options.

Installation: Extract into your Tribes 2 directory. When completed you should have three files that in a default install appear here:


For convenience, you'll probably want to make a shortcut to absPlayListEditor.exe for easy use. This script supports Writer's SCRIPT loader. Though not needed, I strongly recommend getting Writer's SUPPORT script from this site

NOTE: If you get an error when opening/saving playlists using absPlayListEditor.exe copy the COMDLG32.OCX file (included in the install) into your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory (for 9.x) or WINNT\SYSTEM32 (for NT/2000). - Absynthe


(Requires: VB Runtime,COMDLG32.OCX)

Absynthe's Playlist Editor 1.0.1
Creates a playlist that can be used with Absynthe's MP3Player or TMMS
- Absynthe


(Requires: VB Runtime,COMDLG32.OCX)

BOT Pilot v1.9
Based on code in "AiDebug.cs" by DynamixThis code is free for everyone to use but if you do, please write a short email to so I can check out your cool mod too.

Dedicated to everyone with a slow or no internet connection. Botfighting rules. It's not about how "l33t" some folks are - it's just a game, hence it's about having fun. Don't let slobs and morons ruin your day. They don't count. Maybe some of them can disc you in mid-air and rub the fact under your nose every time, but therefore they don't have a life. - Sorry, I just had to let this out :) - Void|DanGeR|SM


What's New in v1.9:

X) Fixed a nasty bug in the vehicle navigation code
X) Bots won't fly to a random spot on the map and stay there forever anymore!
X) Bots will now use vehicles less often on their own
X) Bots will FIRST buy their inventory before using a vehicle
X) Flag-capping bots can now use vehicles too, in both directions!
X) Bots will sense if they don't fit into a vehicle because of their backpack.

Bot Voice Unlock Script & Pitch v1.3.8
This is the GameGui.cs script I modified that makes the bot voice show up and become selectable for
play on-line.

I decided to create this because someone release a complied version of a similar Script. Being that the "Tribes 2" scripting community is still in it's infancy, I thought it would be better to release an uncoupled version, so that it could be ripped apart and thus letting knowledge spread about! 

Colored Weapon HUD Icons
Colors your Weapon HUD Icons and displays which grenade type you’re carrying with different colored icons. The vl2's included in the zip change the white Weapon HUD Icons (i.e. your mines, grenades, weapons, etc) to colored Weapon HUD Icons and display what type of grenades you have in your load-out with different colored icons.

Some people have complained of the vl2's not working properly; if that's the case, extract the icons.vl2 to your Tribes2\Gamedata\base\textures\gui folder, the grenade png's in the grenades.vl2 to your Tribes2\gamedata\base\textures\grenades folder (which you'll have to create), and the Grenade HUD script to your Tribes2\Gamedata\base\scripts\autoexec folder.  - {SiR}Wretched

Engineer HUD v1.0
Easily see all deployed items as well as turrets, stations, and generators static within any map! 
Set and send waypoints to any object available in the Command Screen with 2 clicks! 
Show as little or as much as you want to see! Possess turrets without having to find it in the Command Screen!  - |TIA|Prometheus

FilterPop-Up v1.0
Changes the filter text to a nice little popup menu. - MexicanSquirrel

Displays a little HUD showing your framerate. - DEBig3

FPS HUD v1.4 
FPShud shows your fps in a nice small HUD. It does the same thing as show("$fps::real"); but you don't 
have to type anything and it looks a lot nicer. I find it essential for monitoring how my system is performing, you can watch the fps during battles. - Crunchy

Game Portal
What is Game Portal you ask? Well, have you ever refreshed your server list while in Tribes2? THAT is Game Portal, err.. that is the essence of Game Portal anyways. Game Portal was designed to be a substitute for using the in-game server query interface. Lets say perhaps you decide you want to go play if some of your buds are playing on your favorite server. Wow that's a lot of work, have to open up Tribes2, login click join a game and then wait for your server list to refresh. Phew I'm tired just thinking about it. Well that is now a thing of the past! Simply click open Game Portal and double click your favorite server, and in a snap you know if your buds are playing or not.

Well great you say, so I can see if my buds are playing, but to go play I still have to load up Tribes2 and login, so why not save myself the hassle of closing down Game Portal just to log in and refresh my list to get to that server anyways, and just go in Tribes2 from the start? Well my friends that's because Game Portal can automatically connect you to your favorite server and even log you in to Tribes2 with the touch of a button!

Game Portal at the time of public release will boast a list of more features than are currently available in the in-game server query! So hold on to your hats cause Game Portal is coming! While Game Portal isn't currently available for Public download, you can check out some pictures of it in action.
 - av0n

HalChecker v1.3
Allows you to switch to the community features while in-game.
- Halide's

HalFPSping v1.4
Shows your FPS and ping in a small HUD
. - Halide's

HalScore v1.0
Takes a screenshot automatically at the end of a game: the score screen.
- Halide's

Halsshot v1.0
Single key to take screenshot without HUDs, waypoints, or reticles.
- Halide's

HalTogglePlayHUDs v1.1
Toggles all the HUDs on your screen, including the annoying "You are observing" HUD.
- Halide's

HalQuit v1.2
Disconnect/Quit Tribes 2 with a single key press in-game.
- Halide's

Kill Shot v0.9.3
Kill Shot is a script that will take screen shots when you kill/get killed with/by virtually every weapon type.



Takes a screen shot when you kill someone with a certain weapon. 
Takes a screen shot when you die from with a certain weapon. 
Takes a screen shot when you Team Kill/get Team Killed. 
Variable delay between the kill event and when the screen shot is taken to maximize effect. 
Variable minimum delay between taking Kill Shots to minimize "screen shot lag" while playing. 
User definable key to toggle all Kill Shot taking. 
User definable key to toggle the Kill Shot configuration dialog while playing the game. - Boots

LocalSpammer v1.0  
Does a local taunt/animation whenever you kill someone. - DEBig3

Requires: Writer's Support Pack

This script is primarily for fun. When you're sitting in observer mode waiting for a match to start, or if you just wanna show off to a newbie, then you may want this script. Basically you bind one of your keys to activate the script. It cycles through 8 different animations (once per keypress). Look towards the end of your controls list in the settings menu and assign your Animaniac's key. 
 - DEBig3

mkCount HUD 
This is a kill counter HUD for t2 that displays total kills, kills this round, total deaths, deaths this round, and total flag caps.. Requires PJ's SuperStats in order to run. 
Press ALT+F11 to turn it on. (Requires PJ's SuperStats) - Maven 

MortFOV 1.1
Alright. This script lets you change your FOV (Field Of Vision) In game.  There are 2 styles to control the FOV. You can define an array which holds the desired FOV values and scroll trough them with one button: the changes take effect immediately and you don't have to do anything else.  Another way to change your FOV with this script is to scroll it: it looks pretty darn cool when flying over field and scrolling your FOV from 70 to 120 and back Again this is done by pressing a key this time you need to hold it down.

Other Features:

  • A small in game HUD: It shows the current FOV simple.
  • You can control the colors in text's and the HUD supports HUD mover but you can edit it's position trough config section.
  • Freely definable FOV array: Of course you can't over 120 and playing with FOV of 30 is tricky at least. Choose your poison.
  • 2 Scrolling modes and freely definable limits for them: Of course not over 120 and the minimal limit is somewhere around 10.

Upcoming Features:

  • In game config: unfortunately now u have to set keys/other options by editing the cs file. I apologize for this but I wait for solid template before I start building in game config.

Default keys are "shift z" for array browsing and "ctrl z" for scrolling your FOV.

NewGUI NGG Beta v2.3

NGG 2.3 (New Game GUI) is a nicely featured script pack. This pack is for the guy (or gal) that really wants to control every aspect of their reticles, compass, and other items listed below.



  • Ability to customize reticles for any weapon (even vehicles) from in-game GUI
  • Ability to preview reticle customizations without leaving the menu
  • Ability to Export your own reticle sets, and Import others
  • Ability to customize the compass 'cog' or use compass 'sets'
  • Red, Green, and Blue reticle sets


  • Ability to alter voice profile and pitch settings in game
  • Built in Join Server Retry with configurable time before retry
  • Built in Manual IP Connection dialog
  • Ability to change which pane of the 'Game' pane is seen first
  • Ability to toggle automatic server querying on game startup
  • Ability to configure team names, skins, and hologram projections (for CnH) through Advanced Options window on Host Game screen
  • Notepad allows you to keep a text file with whatever info you like (can include tribes links) and bring it up at any time via. the launch menu


  • Auto-loading Plug-in system
  • Easy to use reticle set creation
  • Powerful variable based compass 'cog' set creation

New for this version

  • Bug fixes for things like the starting game tab
  • Red, Green and Blue reticle sets
  • In Game Notepad (see screenshots)
  • Separated options in script browser (see screenshots)


PingHUD v1.1

pingHUD does exactly what it says on the tin: it shows your ping in a small HUD. This HUD nicely compliments fpsHud, it's the same width and by default sits just underneath it.

Update 5/2/2001:  In 1.0 the hud didn't work if you used a alias. I was using won id's but you don't get won id's when aliases, presumably to be truly anonymous. Halide and Daerid came up with a reliable way to get your client number so I'm using that now.
- Crunchy

PJ's SuperHuds v1.10 (8/13/01)
This is the beginning of a BIG change in how you can customize the look of your T2 game! Change backgrounds and much more coming!

(Needs  PJ's Support Pack) - Panama Jack

PJ's Superstats v2.20 (8/5/01)
This package keeps track of your lifetime statistics in the game. I will be adding on and expanding what this package can do in the future. It currently adds Kill/Flag Cap Pop-ups, lifetime tracking of flag caps, kills, deaths along with enemy player names. Very comprehensive with end of map displays.

(Needs  PJ's Support Pack) - Panama Jack

PJ's Team Count HUD v2.10(7/30/01
This is a nifty little HUD addition that shows you the number of players on each team (something they left out of T2 for some reason). (Needs  PJ's Support Pack)-  Panama Jack

PJ's Team HUD v2.10  (7/30/01
This adds a new HUD to show all of your teammates along with other useful information. It is integrated with all of the other normal in game huds so it looks like it came with the game.
(Needs PJ's Support Pack) -  Panama Jack

PJ's Time HUD v2.20 (8/5/01
Never forget what time it is or how long you have been online with this hud. 

(Needs  PJ's Support Pack) - Panama Jack

This is simply a back-end massager for Panama Jack's Tribes 2 SuperStats script output. Basically, T2KillStats takes the SuperStatsTotals.cs statistics file generated by PJ's script and transforms it into text, HTML or a CSV file for use in a spreadsheet or for importation into a database. - |NEO|L00py

TabMenu Hud 2.2 
TabMenu Hud is a Tribes1-like tab menu. We called it the tab menu as thats the key you used in Tirbes 1 to access it. It had player scores, ping and server commands all on it, very useful. Tribes 2 doesn't have that, it has a score screen and a lobby but it's just not as quick and easy to use. ruWank came up with the concept of taking the player list from the lobby and putting it in a menu. I then helped him finish it off and make the columns and sorting etc work. Even though it's called TabMenuHud you can actually use any key with it. Take a look at the screenshot to see what it looks like.. - Crunchy


Added "Settings" and "Leave Game" buttons.
Added Match Mode menu entry added in bwadmin v1.02.

TabMenu Hud v1.2 (Screenshot: 1)
Copies the function of the t1 tab menu, and organizes it into 3 windows. (thanks to advis for the original version of this)  - DE

TeamSizeHud v1.1 
TeamSizeHud, I've wanted to do this since the meta but hadn't got round to it. It shows the team sizes in a small hud that fits in nicely with objectiveHud.


Update: Fixed occasional bug in TeamSizeHud where team sizes would be the wrong way round. Thanks to Marauder for reporting it. - Crunchy

TransReticle allows you to change the transparency of your reticles and the frame around them to whatever you like. There are different settings for each weapon, including vehicle weapons. - Silverspirit

Tribes Multimedia System (TMMS) Build #245
This is an mp3 script that plays your favorite mp3's. It has a "DemoHUD" Style interface by pressing F3 within anywhere of the name. You can save and load play list files. While playing, you can have randomize play enabled by going to the Play list (PL marked on the F3 control is the play list button). The controls are pretty self-explanatory. You may move the location of the F3 HUD while it's open by pressing the "M" in the corner. The volume bar is as same as Winamp.


To use this script, MP3's must be enabled under your settings --> music settings. If you do have it enabled and do not hear any music, make sure your master volume is turned up enough to hear it. - ^BuGs^

Tribes 2 Playlist Generator 2.1 
As I'm sure many of you would agree, the Tribes 2 soundtrack gets a bit repetitive after too many plays through. It's hard to avoid this with only five songs, no matter the quality. There is simply no comparing the size of the soundtrack with that of the average MP3 collection. The solution: a script that will play the MP3s of your choice! The Tribes 2 Playlist Generator makes this effortless to accomplish. This script features 
selection of a nearly unlimited number of MP3's to use in place of the Tribes 2 selection 
allows multi-selection of songs (shift-click / control-click
importing of Winamp playlists 
allows in-game playback through hotkeys 
- Falceron