Script Box



Tribes 2


[T2] Comms

[T2] Gameplay

[T2] Got2Have!

[T2] Inventory

[T2] Misc

[T2] Packs

[T2] Snipe

[T2] Skins

[T2] Utilities

[T2] Weapons





[T1] Comms

[T1] Gameplay

[T1] Got2Have!

[T1] Inventory

[T1] Misc

[T1] Packs

[T1] Search

[T1] Snipe

[T1] Skins

[T1] Utilities

[T1] Weapons






(Web Master)

Kirby (>'-')>








Rating Scale









 Could Try it...


 Not Worth the DL.





ScriptBox - (T2 Inventory)


DoubleFavourites v1.0

DoubleFavourites lets you choose between two favorites by using a key to toggle between them. This way you can have all 20 favorites on 10 keys. The script has a hud to display the currently selected favorite and pack which can be either permanent or a popup. There is an option to mute the normal chat hud messages about the favorites.- Crunchy

InvMaster 0.85

InvMaster does four things for you:

  1. Shows what loadout you currently have on.
  2. Changes the icon of your grenades in the standard inventory hud so that you can tell what kind of grenade you have loaded.
  3. Shows what fave you have selected for your next loadout.
  4. Shows what grenade and pack you've selected, especially useful if you use quickpack keys.

Requires: Writer's Support Pack


OdysseyLOH 0.51 
OdysseyLOH is my 'first' Tribes2 HUD/Script. It creates a HUD that updates to show you what loadout and what "add on" pack will be purchased. It sits directly above the grenade/beacon/health kit HUD. This is the first release, however i will be adding a possible 'on/off toggle', and a timer for auto-hiding. - Odyssey

PJ's Mega Favorites v2.10 (7/30/01
Just what the serious Tribes Player has always wanted for T2! Mega Faves gives you 20 Favorites for each and every map instead of the standard 20! This means you could have HUNDREDS of Fast Favorites!  

(Needs PJ's Support Pack) - Panama Jack